The Women’s National Book Association (WNBA) is a nonprofit professional association of women and men who work with and value books. The organization was founded in 1917. The Washington, DC, chapter was established in 1978. WNBA, whose purposes are both educational and charitable, promotes reading and literacy, and supports the role of women in the community of the book. A volunteer board of directors manages chapter business and coordinates chapter activities.
The Women’s National Book Association is a national organization of women and men who work with and value books. A non-profit 501(c)3 organization, WNBA exists to promote reading and to support the role of women in the community of the book.
The purposes of WNBA are educational and charitable. WNBA came into being to inform book women about matters relevant to themselves and the book world so that these women could inform and help one another. That’s what we still do, through actions such as these:
- Bring together women and men who are active in the world of books
- Educate and inform the public about the need to create, produce, distribute, and use books
- Respond to requests for information about books and the allied arts and generate and support projects that help to disseminate such information
- Serve as a catalyst for all in the book community who wish to work together, and
- Promote recognition of women’s achievements in the book industry.
Our Members
Our members include publishers, writers, editors, librarians, booksellers, agents, designers, illustrators, marketing and promotions professionals, book and magazine producers, production specialists, teachers, and others.
Click here to download a membership application and join WNBA today!
Programs and Networking Opportunities
The Washington, DC, chapter hosts monthly events for members and other professionals in publishing and allied fields. Admission to programs is free for members, $10 for non-members/guests.
A list of upcoming programs is available on our Events page.
If you’re interested in working on one of our programs, we could use the help!
Did You Know?
WNBA promotes our members’ achievements — let us know about yours! Whether you’ve had a memoir accepted for publication, or you’ve won a short story contest, or you’ve gotten a new job, we’d like to share your success with our membership.
We’re spicing up Signature with very short poems we can sprinkle wherever they fit. If you have one, please send it to SignatureWNBA [at] for consideration