WNBA/Washington: Chapter Board 2019-2020
Below is the WNBA/Washington Board of Directors roster for the 2019-2020 year. Any chapter members who want to get more involved in membership, programs or newsletter activities should contact the Leadership Committee at WNBAinfoDC [at] gmail.com.
President: Tabitha Whissemore
E-mail: twhissemore [at] aacc.nche.edu
Leadership Committee: Claire Emory, Majeedah Johnson, Rebecca Oppenheimer, Judy Orvos, NC Weil, Tabitha Whissemore
E-mail: claire.emory [at] verizon.net, shebefearless [at] gmail.com, judithorvos [at] gmail.com, ncweil2 [at] gmail.com, twhissemore [at] gmail.com
Treasurer: Claire Emory
E-mail: claire.emory [at] verizon.net
Membership Chair: Majeedah Johnson
E-mail: shebefearless [at] gmail.com
Liaisons to National Organization: NC Weil and Tabitha Whissemore
E-mail: ncweil2 [at] gmail.com and twhissemore [at] aacc.nche.edu
Signature Editor: NC Weil
E-mail: ncweil2 [at] gmail.com
Book Review Editor: Lorine Kritzer Pergament
E-mail: lorine [at] lorinepergament.com
Signature Layout: Rachel Moir
Email: RachelMoir [at] gmail.com
OPEN POSTIONS: Vice President, Secretary, Program Co-Chairs, Publicity Chair, Literary Chair, Literary Map Chair, Bookwoman Chapter Correspondent, Member-at-Large
If you are interested in any of the OPEN positions, please contact the Leadership Committee at WNBAinfoDC@gmail.com for more information.