WNBA offers four neighborhood-based groups that meet regularly throughout the year for informal networking and socializing—and some good meals, too. Contact the following group organizers for details:
- The Arlington/Falls Church
Lunch Bunch Meets for lunch the third Friday of the month, but the group needs a coordinator. - The Downtown Diners
Meets for dinner in various downtown DC locations. This group has a different organizer each month. Contact WNBAinfoDC [at] gmail.com to be placed on the address list for the e-mails. - Books & Brew
It’s just what it sounds like — a group of WNBAers who get together to discuss books over brew (be it coffee, tea, or something stronger). For more information or to be placed on the address list, send an email to WNBAinfoDC [at] gmail.com. - The Bethesda Bookwomen
This group used to meet for lunch the last Friday of the month at La Madeleine, but the group is now-defunct. Would you like to revive this group? - The Capitol Hill Diners
The Capitol Hill Diners used to meet regularly for dinner at various Capitol Hill restaurants, but like the Bethesda Bookwomen, the group is now-defunct. Are you interested in reviving this group?
If you’d like to help us revive a now-defunct group or serve as the coordinator for The Arlington/Falls Church Lunch Bunch, or a new gathering that you have in mind, please contact WNBA President NC Weil at WNBAinfoDC [at] gmail.com.