Ballads: Stories in Verse
What is a ballad? Learn about the form: meter, rhyme schemes, stanzas, repetition. What are some great examples?
Why is it a fine way to tell a story? Do you have to sing it? What is a ballad? Learn about the form: meter, rhyme schemes, stanzas, repetition.
What are some great examples? Why is it a fine way to tell a story? Do you have to sing it?
Join WNBA-DC Tuesday evening April 23 at 7pm EDT for answers to these questions, and more!Join WNBA-DC April 23 at 7pm EDT for answers to these questions, and more!
WHEN: April 23, 7:00 p.m. (ET)
WHERE: Online! Register here.
Hillwood Garden & Museum Tour
For current WNBA-DC members.
WHEN: April 28, 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: Hillwood Estates, Washington, DC
WNBA-DC Reading Group Meeting
We’ll be discussing Bonnie Jo Campbell’s “The Waters”
WHEN: May 2, 6:30 p.m. (ET)
WHERE: On Zoom. RSVP to Tabitha Whissemore.